The committees of BTVAR are what make our organization great. We have such a wonderful group of volunteers that work hard to bring all the necessary services to our membership and really make our Association feel like family.
Click here to nominate yourself or someone you know for a BTVAR Committee
Purpose: To review BTVAR Bylaws regularly for clarity, and for stability and practicability; responsible for properly wording amendments when there is a proposed bylaws change.
Composition: Chairperson plus at least four members of the Association.
Chairperson: LynLeigh Rhodes | 423-943-4489 | Email
Purpose: To serve as the source of development, improvement and quality control of education programs and services that meet the needs of the REALTOR® members – through instructor training, education program design, delivery, and/or evaluation.
Composition: Chairperson plus at least four members of the Association.
Chairperson: Cody Davenport | 423-383-2702 | Email
Purpose: Annually review Association AE and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Composition: Chaired by the Immediate Past President plus at least four members.
Chairperson: Kashia Bordwine | 423-833-9681 | Email
Purpose: Formulate recommendations concerning strategic and financial planning, control budgeting and the efficient utilization of the Associations resources.
Composition: Chaired by the current Treasurer of BTVAR plus at least four members of the Association.
Chairperson: Dustin Hughes | 276-794-2700 | Email
Purpose: Recommends policy related to existing or proposed legislation, government regulations and public policy regarding the real estate profession. Establishes linkages and ongoing relationships with all aspects of the political and governmental processes in TN and VA and assures a communication network between all levels of government, candidates for public office, various officials and governmental officers and bodies.
Composition: Chairperson plus five members of the Association.
Chairperson: Linda Rhodes | 423-213-7078 | Email
Purpose: Examines complaints of alleged unethical conduct or requests for arbitration to determine validity and substance to warrant hearings before the Professional Standards Committee.
Composition: Seven members of the Association in good standing, appointed by the chair. The President shall annually designate the chairperson of the committee.
Chairperson: Cooperative agreement with the VA REALTORS Association.
Purpose: To attract individuals with leadership qualities and shape them into strong visionaries to navigate our association through and ever changing business climate.
Composition: Chairperson plus at least four members of the Association.
Chairperson: Laura McMillan | 423-571-0644 | Email
Co-Chairperson: Dustin Hughes | 276-794-2700 | Email
Purpose: Facilitates and assists with negotiations between conflicting parties to promote reconciliation settlement or compromise.
Composition: Appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors, Mediation officers shall have extensive prior experience on Grievance, Professional Standards or the Board of Directors and must have attended mediation training and be conversant of real estate rules and regulations of both states.
Chairperson: Cooperative agreement with the VA REALTORS Association.
Purpose: To recruit new affiliate members and welcome attendees at membership meetings at sign-in tables.
Composition: Chairman plus at least four REALTOR® members.
Chairperson: Amy Booher | 423-967-4224 | Email
Purpose: Survey membership regularly to ensure that membership needs are being met by the Association. Implement and work with other committees to make recommendations to the Board of Directors based on member needs. Recruit and retain new members.
Composition: Chairman, plus at least six REALTOR members.
Chairperson: Brett Tiller | 276-321-7132 | Email
Purpose: To review and determine if the applicant applying for membership meets the qualifications, invites comment from the membership and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Orientation Purpose: An indoctrination program mandated by the National Association of REALTORS® designed to inform new members of the benefits and obligations of the local, state and national associations. The program should be designated to encompass the following: Code of Ethics, use of the term REALTOR®, antitrust, multiple listing service, educational requirements and benefits, fair housing, agency, etc.
Composition: Chairman plus at least two REALTOR® members.
Chairperson(s): Melissa Hall and Michael Pruitt
Purpose: To nominate and recommend to the Board of Directors, one or more candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and two Directors at large.
Composition: Five REALTOR® members appointed by the president with approval of the Board of Directors.
Chairperson: Reece Miller | 423-440-4324 | Email
Purpose: Holds Ethics Hearings to hear matters of alleged unethical conduct by members or provides Arbitration as requested.
Composition: Seven members of the Association in good standing, appointed by the Chairperson. The President shall annually designate the chairperson of the committee.
Chairperson: Cooperative agreement with the VA REALTORS Association.
Purpose: Plans and schedules programs for membership meetings that are considered to be of high interest to the membership, ensuring a mix of business related topics and community activities that encourages participation and provides an opportunity for networking for both REALTOR® and Affiliate members. Plan the Annual Installation and Awards Banquet to commemorate a successful previous and upcoming year. Develop awards roster and qualifications. Be responsible for overseeing and reviewing Award Applications in accordance with the established rules and regulations.
Composition: Chairperson plus at least four members of the Association.
Chairperson: Melissa Hall | 423-505-1793 | Email
Purpose: Increase public awareness of the Association, the buying and selling process and promotes the use of a REALTOR®. Encourages the membership to actively promote, associate and identify themselves as REALTORS®.
Composition: Chairperson plus at least four members of the Association.
Chairperson: Melissa Hall | 423-505-1793 | Email
Purpose: Educate REALTORS® on the purpose of RPAC and oversee the collection of funds contributed by members in support of candidates adhering to goals and purposes advocated by the REALTOR® industry.
Composition: Chairperson appointed by the President.
Chairperson: Anthony Farnum | 423-383-3664 | Email
Purpose: To select the BTVAR REALTOR® of the Year annually from applications received from members of the Association.
Composition: The five immediate past REALTORS® of the Year who hold membership in the Association, with the chairperson being the member who has served the longest on the committee.
Purpose: To represent BTVAR in the TN/VA Regional MLS, ensuring the viability, administration, improvement, and quality control of the service to meet the needs of its members. MLS Representatives will serve as directors on the MLS board and as shareholders at the MLS annual meeting.
Composition: Three members appointed to staggered three year terms. The senior MLS Representative shall be the member serving the third year of their appointment and shall be a non-voting member of the board of Directors in accordance with the association bylaws.
Yvonne Wampler (Sr. MLS Rep)
Erin Elise
Michael Pruitt
Purpose: To review and update, as necessary, the Association’s Strategic Plan and to encourage implementation of it through the Associations Programs and Committees.
Composition: President to serve as chairperson along with the Immediate Past President, President-Elect and five other members.
Chairperson: Reece Miller | 423-440-4324 | Email